Monday 17 September 2012

Roger's story

Hello my readers!
I guess all of you know that Australia is well known for the wild and dangerous animals that live there. The white shark, the box jellyfish, the salt water crocodile and the red back spider are just few of the "friendly" creatures that can be mentioned.
However, my short experience here in Perth has taught me that there is another animal to be afraid of : the cockroach!! Six legs, winged and brown, the roach is one the most frightening animals I have met so far. Ok, ok... maybe it's an exaggeration, but I can assure you that finding one of these in your room when you are about to fall asleep, it's not a nice experience, especially if you have a real insects phobia like me.

The problem, as I found out later, is that these bugs are quite common in Western Australia, especially when it starts to warm up. And my room really seems the ideal place for their "Holidays"...damn! Thus, when I found the second one, me and my friends decided to come up with a name for my special guest.
Indeed this is the story of Roger the cockroach (and his large family).
We first met Roger two weeks ago : he was peacefully walking on my table. Of course, since I am a really brave girl, I started shouting in the middle of the night. My friends ran to me, but also their help turned out to be useless: Roger was sharp and jumped away (yes, it is even able to jump...). Everything seemed to be quiet, but few days later, Roger II (actually I still don't know if it was him or his fatty friend, because it was even bigger!!!) re-appeared. Same reaction, but this time Roger II was too lazy and we were able to catch him with two glasses overlapping. Here some of the pictures that document the happening.
Tommaso "the hunter"

Beatrice "the assistant" (more or less....)

Are you wondering about his end? Well, I was not able to kill him, so I left him somewhere outside. Terrible choice. I guess, the word spread amongst his friends and they tried to enter again. This time however, I was not so naive, and I bought an insect killer spray (really, I think it can kill everyone...). Thus, Roger III had no chance and finally died. I have a picture of that moment as well, but I don't want to hurt your sensibility, so I let you imagine what happened.
That was the last time I saw Roger and his family, but I am not waiting for them to come again, so I am always on alert. The strategy is quite simple: don't leave any kind of food opened; plug the holes and spray the insecticide sometimes (don't worry, your lungs will get used to that). Hope it is gonna work for a long time. Do you have any other suggestions?
Cheers! :)

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